
What I can do for you

Tax Assistance

Tax declaration

  • I offer help to file your tax returns so that you can get maximum refund.
  • I also offer assistance with VAT returns.

I also solve problems surrounding your tax issues, such as objection and appeal letters.

Application for benefits and allowances

You can come to me for applications for all benefits and allowances. (Health care allowance, rent benefits, childcare benefits, child budget)

You can also contact me for problems with your benefits and allowances.

Personal Consultation

Personal advice

I pay personal attention to your tax problems. I will solve complex problems in an expert manner interactively. With me, no problem is unsolvable! Where necessary I will give you advice to get out of your problems.

Help with applying

Problems applying? I help you prepare for future job interviews, by means of CV preparation, application training and personal advice.


I am also your point of contact for applications and problems at the Social Insurance Bank. Think of: Applying for AOW, Applying for Child Benefit etc.

Help with Income Tax and VAT return

Income Tax return

Your income tax returns are done in an expert manner.

VAT return

Your periodic VAT returns are fully taken care of.

Request a Private Consultation now