What do my clients say


Sam heeft mij enorm geholpen. Ik had veel problemen met
mijn belastingzaken. Sam heeft alles voor mij netjes geregeld


Ik ben van Spanje naar Nederland gekomen om te werken. Dus
mijn belastingzaken kon ik zelf niet regelen. Maar toen ik in
contact bij Sam kwam was ik heel tevreden.


I am a student and self-employed. Sam helps me with my
business tax issues. He does virtually all my tax issues

William Mensah

After my study I went back to my Brazil. But I kept receiving
letters from the Tax office which was bothering me. Some
students still in Nederland gave me Sam’s contact . In fact even
in my absence he solved those issues for me. I am much


I had an issue with the SVB and the UWV. Sam filed an appeal
for me and all those debts were cancelled. Sam is an all-round


I came to study here in the Netherlands and was confronted
with tax issues, but after getting in touch with Sam he helped
me a lot.

Barbara Johnson

I am a self-employed(ZZp’er) and never new how to organize
my administration. But Sam did virtually everything for me as
to filing my VAT and Tax returns etc.


I needed someone to draft a contract for me. I went to see Sam
and he did a wonderful job for me at an affordable fee.

Jane Koomson

I am employed and had 2 jobs. I had to be always paying back
to the Tax office after my yearly tax returns. I went to Sam and
he gave me some advice on what to do to avoid always paying
back. Since then I have even been getting tax returns from the
Tax office.

Purity Ajayi

I am a pensioner (AOW) and the money I was receiving
was not enough. I went to Sam and he helped me to get extra
money from the SVB.


When I got to the pension age, I did not know how to
arrange my pension. A friend introduced me to Sam and he
arranged my pension for me.

Raymond Arthur

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